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Weymouth Speed Ladder

With the wind picking up on Friday the speed competition was on. The GPS units calculate a range of different speeds averaged over different times or distances. One of the readings is the average speed over a 2 second window giving a maximum speed. The results from Friday were: Gordon:… Read More »Weymouth Speed Ladder

Weymouth Trip Underway

As has become traditional (well this is the second year and traditions have to start somewhere!), the club has headed done to the National Sailing Academy in Weymouth for some sea air and some blasting. About 20 club members will be down for some part of the trip. The first… Read More »Weymouth Trip Underway

Lake flood

More photos in the pixs section

Weymouth Trip

When you speak to non-windsurfer, they think you are crazy going on a Windsurfing trip to Weymouth at this time of year. And as it started to hail, I might have been inclined to agree with them. 10 minutes later the sun was out and we were on the water.… Read More »Weymouth Trip

Weekly Club Nights

This year we will once again be holding weekly CLUB NIGHTS throughout the summer. They will be held every Thursday commencing 17th May through until 6th September. That’s 17 nights, with a different committee member hosting each night. Please see the events page for who is hosting and what they… Read More »Weekly Club Nights

Vass Trip

I’m looking at trying to organise a club trip to Vassiliki in Greece from the 20-27 May. The venue offers great conditions with light winds in the morning building up in the afternoon for some great blasting conditions. I’m looking at going with Ocean Elements which includes all the kit… Read More »Vass Trip