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Maintenance Update

The Work Bench

A quick post to say thank you to all the people who turned up to help out with a bit of maintenance around the club, on Saturday 19th March. It was a very successful day with the following achieved: Changing Room Roof Repaired & Felted Change Room Floor Repaired Club… Read More »Maintenance Update

AGM 2016

Thanks to all that came to the AGM last night at the White Lion last night. Some stats… 29 people came. 25 people for raffle. 25 prizes. Everyones’s a winner 🙂 All the existing officers remained in Post – so thanks to you all… you know who you are !… Read More »AGM 2016

Toilets & Changing Rooms

The pump has been made to work and the water tanks for the toilets have now been filled, so the toilets will now flush without the need of a bucket. Also the changing rooms have had new automatic , motion detecting lights added, which will turn on when it gets dark.