- Planing fun
- How mny windsurfers can you fit in one lake? Loads
- Hurrah for the girls .. we are the fastest growing sector of the membership!
- Dogs, campervans and BBQ’s what’s not to love!
- The tandem is just soooo colourful too
- Messing about in water with mates
- The Dino boards are great for our shorter members
- It’s a great feeling getting going and sailing out for the first time into the middle of the lake – Well Done!
- I’m going to make this damn thing move if it’s the last thing I do!!
- Oh dear, ….. but if you don’t fall in it means that you’re not trying hard enough 🙂
- Our Gemini Tandem, twice the laughs!
- Always someone round to give you a hand with rigging
- Our unsophisticated training simulator is great for practising new moves on land
- Wheeeeeee …..
- Race ya ……
- Hi Nathan, usually seen mowing our lovely lawn as our grounds maintenance specialist!
- One of those flat windless days – lets go Supping 🙂
- Ahh the freedom and the speed…..