There will be a lot happening this year, changes you will see down at the water, and more events planned. Bookmark this page and check in regularly to see whats coming.
First off, we have applied for a Sport England small grant to allow us to expand the hire scheme and to allow us to offer training for beginners. We won’t know whether we have been successful until late May, and we’ll be sure to let all club members know as soon as we do.
In preparation for that we have agreed to extend the existing concrete hard standing by a small amount so that we can install another 20foot container, around the back of the toilet block. This will be used for storing a new rescue boat of the solid plastic type that will be much less vulnerable to damage than the inflatable and will be much easier to launch.
We will also, as soon as we get permission from our landlords, be installing a slipway to allow us to get it into the water easily. This will be cut into the bank rather than laid into the water so there should be no problems for members walking their boards round it.